Contoh Kata Pengantar Bahasa Inggris

April 05, 2014
Contoh Kata Pengantar Bahasa Inggris - Bagi pelajar umunya tidak suka dengan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, apalagi untuk mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan, seringkali mereka mengeluh. namun tidak sedikit pula yang suka dengan Bahasa Inggris.

Pada Kesempatan ini Admin Giripustaka mau berbagi informasi mengenai bagaiamana membuat Contoh Kata Pengantar dalam Bahasa Inggris, karena kebanyakan siswa mendapat tugas ini. 

Contoh Kata Pengantar Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Kata Pengantar Bahasa Inggris

The writer would like to acknowledge her countless thanks to the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, ALLAH SWT who always gives her all the best of this life and there is no doubt about it. Shalawat and Salaam to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and his family. This script is presented to fulfill one of the requirements in accomplishing the S-1 Degree at the Department of Language and Arts of Teachers Training and Education Faculty in the University of (…place..). 
The writer would like to take her opportunity to express her deep and sincere gratitude to the following:
Prof. Andikha Suherman, M.A., Ph.D. as her first advisor who has guided the writer patiently in writing the script. Her deep gratitude is also extended to Dra. Flora Nainggolan, M.Pd. as her second advisor, who has given her expertise and guidance in writing this scientific script and invaluable teaching experience.Drs. Sastro Aldi, M.Pd. as his examiner who has given suggestion and critics to the script. It will be hard for the writer to make the script becomes perfect without his contributions. Feni Syahib, S.S, M.Hum as the writer’s academic advisor All lecturers in English Department for their invaluable teaching. Drs. Sobirin as the Headmaster of SMAN 2 (…….place….) for allowing her to conduct the research and also to Mr. Aldino Sirait, S.Pd. as the English teacher of the school in which the writer did her research. Her thanks also go to the students of XI RSBI IPA 1 who welcomed her into their environment and so willingly involved in the research.Anyone that can not be mentioned directly or indirectly who has helped the writer in completing this script. The writer does appreciate any opinion, and suggestion for the improvement of this script.

Contoh Kata Pengantar Bahasa Inggris

 Gratitude belongs only to Almighty God, who has given his affection to the author for taking the time to complete the paper Psycholinguistic titled "DIFFEREET TYPES OF MEMORY". The authors also thank those who have assisted in the completion of this paper.
The authors are aware that this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, the authors expect criticism and suggestions either in writing or orally, in particular course to the Psycholinguistic lecturer. Hidayati M.Pd, so that writers can develop science, especially science Psycholinguistic.

Contoh Kata Pengantar Bahasa Inggris

 Thanks to the presence of the Divine Rabbi who has provided an abundance of grace and the gifts, prayers and peace be poured upon us Junjunan Muhammad, his family, his companions and his followers until the end.
           Finally, the authors have created a paper with the title "tobe" to fulfill the English language courses.
Criticism and advice is always disposed to support the writers associated with the literary content of the writing. Finally, just a step that we surrender to God, I hope this writing for education in general and in particular on all of us.

Terlihat mudah kan membuatnya, informasi mengenai Contoh Kata Pengantar Bahasa Inggris ini semoga dapat bermanfaat, Terimakasih.

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